Are we destined to be together - First met in English Love Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - First meet

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Are we destined to be together? - First meet

Amy's pov:

It is my first day of my college.. I am excited to see my college and new classmates..  I am staying in hostel for my college studies as my town is far away from this city...It is first day for me only as I am late admission to this college

I am also girl who doesn't like makeup... I don't like put even eyeliner...

Well...I have lot of question in my head, "Will I get friends in my college?.. Will I merge with my classmate.. Will I get adjust to this new city.." I know I am weird... In some place I merge with everyone.. So easily and Every one love me too... In some place I can't merge.. Even I don't try to talk...  What is going to happen in college... I am super excited.. with Little fear... 

Scene: At Classroom

 All my classmate were pretty cool.. All of them are new too me... I entered to my class where I found that girls are standing in two group...Boys too standing in groups...I doesn't know where I have to join.. I sat like lost child who doesn't know where to go... As class hours started... I have self intro to my staff... 

Now It is interval hours ⌛, It seems all girls would join in single group to have lunch... So they called me.. Too join with them... I too joined them to college canteen... There were lot of fun with them... During fun, they all have a talk about a boy named Harry who was admired by most of girls because of his smartness, cool attitude.. Knowledge... Dressing sense every things... I also too excited to see him..  Unfortunately I haven't note him earlier even though he is my classmate.. 

I have heard long ago that girls starts loving based on what she hear about a boy and boy starts loving girls by her looks. Thats why boys lie and girls do makeup....I think it must parti true... Because I am more excited to see him... Since I haven't excited to see any boy ever.. But I didn't let anyone know my excitement 

Now class have started.. New staff have entered class, I think as he asked for self intro  from everyone..  Oh my goodness.. I can find who is Harry without anyone help... If I ask anyone about him they may tease me with him... Which I am not willing for it... 

Self intro started.. Every one started giving intro... Harry too gave intro as every one said he was smart.. to my excitement he is from my town...  

Now it is my turn to give my intro.. In my intro.. With all my info they asked happiest moment in my life... My happiest moment is centum in computer in 12th public ... I received a comment from my classmate that there are student who got centum in many subject... But you are priding yourself for getting centum in computer...  Ya...I know it may be small thing..but for me it is happiest since computer is my favorite subject... I didn't respond to comment..  I am not in mood for argument as it is my first day


Is Harry and amy going to be friends...

Will her excitement turn to crush or love

Will She talk... to him... 

Let see in coming chapters.. 


This is my first story... Give me some review that will help me to improve better...